Auxesys Text + Icon Logo + TM - light


Learn how to compliantly master organic growth online in a free strategy session.

BONUS: Get your Free β€œGrow AUM Online” Marketing Plan  (a $1200 Value)

πŸ† Build the best online presence in town
πŸ’˜ Attract and retain new wealth
🚫 End referral reliance




5-star average rating



Learn how to compliantly master organic growth online in a free strategy session.

BONUS: Get your Free β€œGrow AUM Online” Marketing Plan  (a $3200 Value)

πŸ† Build the best online presence in town
πŸ’˜ Attract and retain new wealth
🚫 End referral reliance



Five-star average rating.

Compliance Considered

The SEC rules for online marketing are confusing. We've done our homework.

Deep Experience

Meet with our founder - nearly 25 years of digital marketing experience.

Access to Research

You'll get access to our research and analysis of your closest competitors.

Industry Focused

Research, approach, and strategy sessions built for private wealth management.

Compliance Considered

The SEC rules for online marketing are confusing. We've done our homework.

Deep Experience

Meet with our founder - nearly 25 years of digital marketing experience.

Access to Research

You'll get access to our research and analysis of your closest competitors.

Industry Focused

Research, approach, and strategy sessions built for private wealth management.

We Understand Your Industry's Challenges

Dear private wealth management executives,

For over eight years, we've engaged with industry leaders, focusing on service delivery and competitive research. Firms continually express concerns about client acquisition, retention, and attrition amid competition from apps, robo advisors, and market giants, alongside the challenges posed by an aging demographic.

The solution? A comprehensive approach to improving your online presenceβ€”analogous to the way you recommend clients manage their wealth comprehensively.

Prior to each strategy session, we use our Digital Wealth Navigator Frameworkβ„’ to assess 15 key factors of your online footprint and benchmark you against your closest competitors (If you're reading this we've likely already analyzed your city's competition).

You'll see how you stack up and receive a customized and comprehensive game plan for online client base growth.

At Auxesys, we believe that genuine financial planning is the domain of dedicated individuals and small firms, not impersonal technology. Secure a strategy session to elevate your firm's digital strategy.


Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

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Diversify Client Acquisition Channels

End your overreliance on unpredictable referrals and curb that temptation to engage in unsustainable "silver bullet" marketing and outreach tactics.

Maybe you've been burnt by marketing agencies before, but we're here to prove to you that digital marketing can work - you've just got to get all the pieces working together, in concert, with intention.


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Leverage the "silver tsunami" to your advantage

The aging population is one of the largest drivers of economic change the world will ever see. An aging client portfolio means questions about succession, family attrition, client replacement rates, and attracting the newly-minted wealthy.

Learn to craft a modern client journey and strong online presence to turn the threat of an aging population into your greatest strength.


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Attract Digitally-Savvy HNW Individuals

Tiny leaks sink big ships. What used to start and end with a trusted referral, now includes a browse on social, a website peek, perusal of reviews and testimonials, and any other intel a prospect can find.

We'll give you the exact blueprint used by digital marketing champions to generate real business impact online. You'll learn about the modern client journey and the three "critical moments of truth" your firm must win, along with the keys to win them.


Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

Grow AUM + Pipeline Online

You'll get the keys to:


Grow AUM/Fees Online

More meetings, more ideal clients, and prospects that are predetermined to work with you before they jump on a call.


Grow AUM/Fees Online

More meetings, more ideal clients, and prospects that are predetermined to work with you before they jump on a call.


End Referral Reliance

Curb your firm's volatile, unsustainable reliance on referrals as a primary source of new business. 


Attract and Retain New Wealth

Instill confidence with successors and HNW accumulators, wherever they find your firm online. 


Win the Silver Tsunami

Leverage the greatest macroeconomic driver in history and turn your firm's greatest threat into it's strongest advantage. 


Build the Best Online Presence in Town

This is a timing issue - nearly the entire private wealth management industry has foregone building a comprehensive online presence. 

We'll show you exactly how to leapfrog to the top of the pack and build a nearly impenetrable moat.

But based on our research, this opportunity window is about to close.


End Referral Reliance

Curb your firm's volatile, unsustainable reliance on referrals as a primary source of new business. 


Attract and Retain New Wealth

Instill confidence with successors and HNW accumulators, wherever they find your firm online. 

Water Wave.png

Win the Silver Tsunami

Leverage the greatest macroeconomic driver in history and turn your firm's greatest threat into it's strongest advantage. 


Build the Best Online Presence in Town

This is a timing issue - nearly the entire private wealth management industry has foregone building a comprehensive online presence. 

We'll show you exactly how to leapfrog to the top of the pack and build a nearly impenetrable moat.

But based on our research, this opportunity window is about to close.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

Grow your client base with a comprehensive online presence

Say goodbye to shady silver bullets and unsustainable marketing

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View Your Firm's Current Performance

During your strategy session, we'll walk you through your Auxesys Snapshot Reportβ„’. This tool illustrates the value of a comprehensive online presence and modern client journey. Together, we'll be able to pinpoint exactly how to plug leaky performance holes, and set you up for big wins this quarter.

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Access Competitive Analysis and Rankings

We've developed the Digital Wealth Navigator Frameworkβ„’, which analyzes your entire city's online performance across 15 key factors. We'll show you your ranking and exactly what you need to do to outshine your competition and start attracting more ideal clients online.

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Build a Comprehensive Plan

You'll get access to your complementary Grow AUM Online Blueprintβ„’, which we'll customize based on findings from our strategy session. You'll see the exact roadmap required to get all your marketing systems chugging along in unison, and a practical guide to how and when to implement each piece.

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Connect with Specialized Professionals

Hi! I'm John. Together with a team of digital marketing specialists I built our Wealth Management Marketing practice. My personal background is in media production, with nearly 25 years of experience in digital marketing and professional services.

In university, I developed a love of the world of finance, competing in the CFA global challenge and conducting deep research on the world of wealth management.

Now I run Auxesys! Whether it's SEO, ads, online reputation, web development, social media, or copywriting, you'll get access to a team of pros ready to deliver.

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View Your Firm's Current Performance

During your strategy session, we'll walk you through your Auxesys Snapshot Reportβ„’. This tool illustrates the value of a comprehensive online presence and modern client journey. Together, we'll be able to pinpoint exactly how to plug leaky performance holes, and set you up for big wins this quarter.

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Access Competitive Analysis and Rankings

We've developed the Digital Wealth Navigator Frameworkβ„’, which analyzes your entire city's online performance across 15 key factors. We'll show you your ranking and exactly what you need to do to outshine your competition and start attracting more ideal clients online.

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Build a Comprehensive Plan

You'll get access to your complementary Grow AUM Online Blueprintβ„’, which we'll customize based on findings from our strategy session. You'll see the exact roadmap required to get all your marketing systems chugging along in unison, and a practical guide to how and when to implement each piece.

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Connect with a Capable Team

Hi! I'm John. Together with a team of digital marketing specialists I built our Wealth Management Marketing practice. My personal background is in media production, with nearly 25 years of experience in digital marketing and professional services.

In university, I developed a love of the world of finance, competing in the CFA global challenge and conducting deep research on the world of wealth management.

Now I run Auxesys! Whether it's SEO, ads, online reputation, web development, social media, or copywriting, you'll get access to a team of pros ready to deliver.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.


5-star average rating

" of the most successful, thorough and forward-thinking digital marketing processes I've seen. John is incredibly knowledgeable and his insights were deeply valuable. Great communication, great service. Highly recommended."

Auxesys delivered this client a  massive overhaul including website, social media, landing pages, paid ads, SEO and more.

"Auxesys has consistently been professional, prompt, and knowledgeable. A delight to work with."

Auxesys has helped this firm for 5 years, digitizing and modernizing their entire practice. Website overhauls, CRM implementation, IT management and more  - recent digital efforts saw a nearly 6X ROI.

"Auxesys has been integral in modernizing our IT environment and have done so with professional service. John and his team are exceptionally savvy and personable. They are ready and patient to address any questions or concerns. If your firm is looking for an upgrade, then look no further!"

Auxesys provided this firm with fully-managed IT services, upgraded their computers and network hardware and achieved a 3,000% ROI by reducing IT risk and waste and improving productivity.


"Auxesys has been the best find! A company that produces effective & customized results for my business. On top of that they are personable and available. A top service and experience."

Auxesys recently helped this client start off with the strongest Q4 in their history - besting previous period's performance by over 600%!


" of the most successful, thorough and forward-thinking digital marketing processes I've seen. John is incredibly knowledgeable and his insights were deeply valuable. Great communication, great service. Highly recommended."

Auxesys delivered this client a  massive overhaul including website, social media, landing pages, paid ads, SEO and more.

"Auxesys has consistently been professional, prompt, and knowledgeable. A delight to work with."

Auxesys has helped this firm for 5 years, digitizing and modernizing their entire practice. Website overhauls, CRM implementation, IT management and more  - recent digital efforts saw a nearly 6X ROI.

"Auxesys has been the best find! A company that produces effective & customized results for my business. On top of that they are personable and available. A top service and experience."

Auxesys recently helped this client start off with the strongest Q4 in their history - besting previous period's performance by over 600%!


"Auxesys has been integral in modernizing our IT environment and have done so with professional service. John and his team are exceptionally savvy and personable. They are ready and patient to address any questions or concerns. If your firm is looking for an upgrade, then look no further!"

Auxesys provided this firm with fully-managed IT services, upgraded their computers and network hardware and achieved a 3,000% ROI by reducing IT risk and waste and improving productivity.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

Auxesys Logo - Light

Why market leaders choose Auxesys

We're admittedly unusual - here's what's different about our approach.

⏳An Appropriate View of Time Horizons

Short-term marketing strategies to win clients for life? They simply don't work. So many digital marketing and lead gen tactics are like wild options trading (i.e. they might pay off in the short term). 

Planning and strategizing over 90 days? 30 days? 2 quarters? The truth is that your digital marketing strategy needs to be built for the coming 5 years minimum; you need to decide exactly what you're going to do in years; and plan your tactics and campaigns, with unwavering commitment, in quarters... without the "last minute scramble".

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

⭐Comprehensive Services that Work

Digital marketing is tough... maybe you've tried spending a bunch of money on it and fell flat on your face? We hear this a lot. But it's kinda like purchasing insurance and expecting to retire care-free on that one tactic alone. 

Other marketers will sell you a single flavour and promise it'll change your world. Ads, SEO, social media, landing pages, websites, copywriting, and on and on.

The truth is shockingly simple. You need all of these to win, and they all must fit together as part of a purpose-built machine.

πŸ’₯A Focus on Real Business Impact

How much do you care about your bounce rate? Your ROAS? Your CTR?

Don't worry, we'll say it for you. No one gives a rat's ass.

What you actually need to know is: how much marketing spend it takes to win a new client, how much that new client is worth to you, and how to project out a return on your marketing investments for business planning. The tough part is that you can't figure out these numbers without a trip through the weeds of all the other jargon. Don't worry, we get it - we're here to focus on what really matters to you.

🀝Relationship Building

Everything at Auxesys is built to forge relationships for life (hey, this is starting to sound familiar again!). We're not interested in shiny objects, shortcuts, or wild schemes. We'll tell it to you like it is, and if honesty, transparency, and loyalty are traits your firm values, we'll have a pretty good shot at forging a long-term relationship.

🐺 Ferocity

We won't mince words here: we're relentless. We're obsessed with every facet of the digital marketing world, but more importantly, with building you a marketing engine that helps you trounce the competition.

What's the point in aiming for second best? We're here to find clients who are ready to shoot for the stars.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

Who Are these Strategy Sessions For? 

Firms that can grow AUM online with our ultimate offer:

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Small Private Wealth Management Firms

If you're a team of between 10 and 100, operating out of one or two offices, and focused on delivering phenomenal wealth advisory in your region, this is for you.

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Firms Who Believe in The Potential of Great Digital Marketing

If you've always known the power of digital marketing is real, but felt that true performance was just out of reach for your firm, this if for you.

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Firms Who Are Strategically Preparing for the Silver Tsunami

If you're excited and/or anxious about the massive shifts that the aging population brings, and if you're already having strategic discussion about its impact on your firm, this is for you.

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Small Private Wealth Management Firms

If you're a team of between 10 and 100, operating out of one or two offices, and focused on delivering phenomenal wealth advisory in your region, this is for you.

Firms Who Believe in The Potential of Great Digital Marketing

If you've always known the power of digital marketing is real, but felt that true performance was just out of reach for your firm, this if for you.

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Firms Who Are Strategically Preparing for the Silver Tsunami

If you're excited and/or anxious about the massive shifts that the aging population brings, and if you're already having strategic discussion about its impact on your firm, this is for you.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.


How Do the Strategy
Sessions Work? 

Our ultimate offer, explained.

πŸ—“οΈ Step 1.

Booking Claim
Use the this link to schedule your session

If there are still sessions available for your city, we'll reply with the go ahead!


Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

πŸ”¬ Step 2.

Supplementary Research
Auxesys will expand it's deep dive on your firm

We've likely already set our team to work analyzing your firm. Once you schedule your strategy session, we'll take our research and analysis of you and your competitors and supercharge it in preparation for our call.

πŸ–₯️ Step 3.

Strategy Session
Our 1-hour virtual strategy session

We'll jump on for a remote strategy session. No sales jockeys, just executive-level strategy. We'll work with you to diagnose your current situation, walk you through our research, share our analysis of your competitors, and pinpoint exactly how you can move forwards and guarantee performance.

πŸ“˜ Step 4.

Your Playbook
Complimentary "Grow AUM Online" Guide

After the call, we'll follow up with a customized guide, tailored to the findings and discussion from our strategy session. We'll show you the five key gears you must shift through to build a comprehensive online presence that forever ends your overreliance on referrals.

πŸ“˜ Step 5.

Your Follow-Up
Implementation and Economics

At your discretion, we'll follow up to discuss implementation. We'll be upfront: just like you, we're looking for our dream clients - the ones who really get it and are ready to get serious. Regardless of where you're at, we're still happy to make recommendations and provide guides, for those who are not yet ready to engage.

Our Guarantee 

For clients only.

For firms that hire Auxesys for implementation, we guarantee that within one year of experiencing our managed digital marketing services, your firm will have the best online presence in your city, and the results will far outweigh the investment.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

" of the most successful, thorough and forward-thinking digital marketing processes I've seen. John is incredibly knowledgeable and his insights were deeply valuable. Great communication, great service. Highly recommended."

Auxesys delivered this client a  massive overhaul including website, social media, landing pages, paid ads, SEO and more.

"Auxesys has consistently been professional, prompt, and knowledgeable. A delight to work with."

Auxesys has helped this firm for 5 years, digitizing and modernizing their entire practice. Website overhauls, CRM implementation, IT management and more  - recent digital efforts saw a nearly 6X ROI.

"Auxesys has been integral in modernizing our IT environment and have done so with professional service. John and his team are exceptionally savvy and personable. They are ready and patient to address any questions or concerns. If your firm is looking for an upgrade, then look no further!"

Auxesys provided this firm with fully-managed IT services, upgraded their computers and network hardware and achieved a 3,000% ROI by reducing IT risk and waste and improving productivity.


"Auxesys has been the best find! A company that produces effective & customized results for my business. On top of that they are personable and available. A top service and experience."

Auxesys recently helped this client start off with the strongest Q4 in their history - besting previous period's performance by over 600%!


" of the most successful, thorough and forward-thinking digital marketing processes I've seen. John is incredibly knowledgeable and his insights were deeply valuable. Great communication, great service. Highly recommended."

Auxesys delivered this client a  massive overhaul including website, social media, landing pages, paid ads, SEO and more.

"Auxesys has consistently been professional, prompt, and knowledgeable. A delight to work with."

Auxesys has helped this firm for 5 years, digitizing and modernizing their entire practice. Website overhauls, CRM implementation, IT management and more  - recent digital efforts saw a nearly 6X ROI.

"Auxesys has been the best find! A company that produces effective & customized results for my business. On top of that they are personable and available. A top service and experience."

Auxesys recently helped this client start off with the strongest Q4 in their history - besting previous period's performance by over 600%!



Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most common questions from sessions:

Can we have the strategy session over the phone?

These strategy sessions must be hosted virtually, using video conference software (we're an M365 organization with extremely tight IT and cybersecurity standards - we do IT too!).

It's incredibly important to have a face-to-face interaction - it helps ensure we're able to really begin to understand your firm, and therefore provide greater value.

A significant portion of the strategy session will also include "screen sharing" where we walk you through your current online presence and our analysis of your competitors.

It's important for participants to see this research clearly - it leads to better interaction and questions, and again, more value for you!

We've tried digital marketing, social media, and ads in the past - it's great to have a nice website, but it doesn't bring us any real new business. What's different here?

Over nearly 25 years of digital marketing, what I've learned (John, Auxesys founder here), is that digital marketing activities have a "multiplier effect", but only if a certain threshold is reached.

Simply put, having a great looking website is simply not enough. Especially nowadays.

When the threshold is not reached, your current online activities can actually have a "subtractive effect".

For example, a great website and great SEO might help prospective clients learn about your industry, your services, and even your firm.
But without great reviews, testimonials, offers, ads, social media, digital listings, and more...

...and without ensuring that each of these pieces is built out with purpose and intent, in a way that all fits together...

...what you've really just done is made your prospective client "solutions aware" and started them on their journey towards "solutions provider awareness".

Modern HNW individuals don't book meetings with firms with great websites.

They book meetings with firms that have intentionally designed a modern client journey and come up smelling like roses, everywhere a prospective client looks.

What's included in the bonus Grow AUM marketing plan?

During your strategy session, we'll learn all about your firm's reason for being, your marketing history, your clientele, your challenges, and your big dreams.

We'll define what building a phenomenal digital marketing engine would look like for your firm and discuss what that engine would need to deliver, in terms of real business impact, as it was being built.

From there, we'll customize a playbook that:

  • outlines the five key gears your firm's marketing must shift through to give you the best online presence in your city in under a year.

  • provides suite of simple, actionable, effective tactics and strategies that you can begin using immediately.

  • unlocks access to the analysis and research we've conducted on you and our competitors.

  • shows you exactly how all the pieces fit together from a high-level, along with a blueprint for implementing them.

And if you're looking for implementation support, we'll provide simple advice about where to find it and a clear outline of what clients who hire Auxesys can expect.

Why are there only 5 sessions per city?

These strategy sessions are not for those who need to be convinced of the power of digital marketing and a great online presence.

Our research tells us that this only a small fraction of each city's competitive landscape truly believes that a great online presence can make a massive impact on their business.

Additionally, participants need confidence that a competitive advantage is a key benefit of your participation.

If we kept the door open for everyone in your city, we'd be delivering a competitive parity.

And if you've taken the time to read this web page, you'll know that our goal is help firms become THE BEST.

If we decide to hire Auxesys for consulting and implementation, how does it work?

Hiring Auxesys for consulting and implementation requires a year-long commitment (building the best online presence in your city is A LOT of work, that must be done in stages).

Our MSA includes a 60-day cancellation policy and our fees are due at the start of each quarter.

Launch of services does take time together (3-6 hours over the first 2 weeks), but once we're up and running, the cadence includes short weekly or bi-weekly sessions (15-30 minutes with your exec leadership) and a Quarterly Business Review (1.5 hours with your Auxesys vCMO).

Our goal is simple, to host a final annual review as the and of our first year approaches, and to deliver results that make it an absolute no-brainer to renew for another term.

If after a year your team is unsatisfied, we'll reimburse you a full quarter's fees and part ways.

What if we have multiple locations?

Concurrently improving the online presence of two separate locations is TRICKY, but it can be done.

The Auxesys Business Centreβ„’ is an incredible tool that can help us achieve market dominance for your firm and offices.

If you run a firm that operates in multiple states and cities, and has between 2 and 20 locations, let's be sure to have a phone conversation before your first strategy session.

We like to do our homework and come prepared.

What will you do with the information you learn about our company on the call?

At Auxesys we adhere to a strict code of professional conduct.  Anything we learn about your firm on the call will be held in 100% confidence. We won't even share it with your competitors, should they become clients.

However, any analysis and research we develop on our own, outside of our strategy session, will absolutely be leveraged for competitive advantage.

We desperately need a strategic marketing partner and want to start right away, what should we do?

Book for a strategy session now and be sure to include a bit of detail about your situation in the form when you submit your booking.

We'll be able to tailor our session to get straight to your evaluation process and requirements.

Zero fees. Only 5 sessions available per city.

Auxesys Text + Icon Logo + TM - light

Comprehensive digital marketing
purposefully built for private wealth management firms.

Auxesys Text + Icon Logo + TM - light

Comprehensive digital marketing
purposefully built for private wealth management firms.

230 Main St., Winnipeg, MB

(204) 900-5838